Slender Fortress Non-Official Wikia
Intro None
Type Nightmare Mob Chaser
Signs of nearing Quotes from Outside In 2
Origin Outside in 2 (Swear warning)
Map(s) Any
Theme song The Leviathan
Partners None
Stunnable? Yes (Flashlight stunnable)

Insanity is a boss that appears in Slender Fortress.


Insanity is more of a darker version and more harmful version of Joy. First appearing and dying in Outside In 2, it was one of the Movieunleashers most disliked video, first being Outside In, and many people called Insanity various names; such as Joy.exe, Joy the Killer, etc.

Some of her references are from Jeff the Killer and Ben Drowned - many of whom people knew about this at first. Insanity appears similarly like Joy but with various differences: sometimes having sharp teeth, blood on her skirt, arms, and face. In the hidden easter egg, she even has demon eyes. While she has a shard about halfway through Outside In 2, this never appeared in the SF2 boss version. Insanity never appeared in the very beginning of Outside In 2 until she kills almost everyone around her.

The backstory to Insanity (or how Joy became crazy) was that she became too addicted to the microphone on the control panel. A reason why this happens is that when Joy needed someone to control Riley for her until she hired "volunteers" to make it "better".

In Slender Fortress[]

Classic Version[]

Insanity is hard to tell where she is without the glow she has, but upon finding a player, its game over for them since Insanity is faster than Scouts, which is identical to Woody. If Insanity gets close to you but isn't alerted, run to a close hiding spot, otherwise, her search range of 6,666 hammer units will kill you. Though there are no copies of her, she can wipe a group of people out with her intense static. Regardless of who you are playing as, you must always be stealthy, a Spy is recommended against Insanity. The chances of escaping Insanity is very low due to Insanity almost copying Scouts speed. In this version, the idle quotes were non-existent, being only the breathing sound from SCP-087-B. The originalHell.


dated jumpscare to lack the original jumpscare, however due to it being heavily unfitting, it was reverted. The idle quotes have bee000 hammer units

Stylized Version[]

With a Steam user's help, the model has been heavily updated to look a lot more darker compared to the modern and classic version. Because of this, new animations have been added, but these were originally going to be used for LLFredbear0345LL's secondary Unity game which focused on Insanity being the antagonist, this is why looking in the model's bones in HLMV are not valve biped bones or biped bones. The chase and search themes have been finally changed to be from Dead Space.

Current Version (November 2021-Present)[]

Her chase and search theme has been changed once again to be Crim3s - Lost. Her eyes now glow and her animations are changed (Some are new). Difficulty light colors are added. In Normal and Hardcore, Her light is the original blue color. However in Insane+, Her light is a desaturated red color. She is now a semi-blind survival tier boss. If you hear her scare sound, Your character will have a scare reaction spell. An attack has been added along with her advanced deathcam animation. The light that Insanity casts now only shows if you see her directly. But if she can't see you, Her light will have a fluorescent flicker. An auto-chase has been added to her as well.



  • Riley...
  • Guys, help, I'm sorry let me out!
  • Don't take mama Joy's child away.
  • Come on Riley, its me, Joy, feel that its me!


  • Come on, mama Joy's gotcha, Always be happy.
  • Laughs Laugh with me Riley, Come on you stupid bitch!
  • So you think you can go ahead and control Riley without me, are you trying to make her life devoid from happiness?
  • I'm her new daddy now!
  • Y-You don't understand, She needs to hear my voice, She needs to know I'm ok!
  • Don't you fucking dare touch the control panel without my permission! You hear me? I'll fucking kill you all!
  • Yeah yeah yeah, Change your mind change your mind, What are you gonna do? And why have you left your circles? You want to fucking die? No, don't think so. So get back there, or I'll fucking cut you!


  • Since the fucking beginning all I wanted was to take control, but it never happened, all you ever did was take shit away from me!
  • Riley was supposed to be mine!
  • Totally is, all it brings me in so much fucking joy.
  • Laughs


  • Ow! You fucking shitface

Chase Initial[]

  • Hisses Aggressively
  • Laughs Hysterically


  • Scream




  • Originally, Insanity was going to have a Blue glow, unlike the common boss glow 100, 255, 255, the glow was more dark blue and a less distance, this was quickly changed to a red eye glow, and then reverted to what it originally was.
  • Insanity was originally going to be stunnable due to one of the Outside In 2 quotes having a stun quote, but since she was a touch on kill, this was changed to be a flashlight stunnable feature.
  • LLFredbear0345LL has rigged a new Joy model to have normal mapping, and new bone weights, supporting new animations.
  • Insanity's search and chase themes were changed 5 times, to the point where both themes are more fitting than the previous ones.
  • Insanity's updated model was made by Steam user ☆Azzy ☆.